Emily and Tom were married in a small intimate ceremony surrounded by their families at the Mary Prentiss Inn in Cambridge. They followed it up with a big reception downtown at Les Zygomates complete with a raw bar, some entertaining toasts, delicious dinner and dancing....LOTS of dancing.
Congratulations to the Nicholsons. You are such an amazing couple. Have fun on the Vineyard.
Friends and family gathered yesterday to celebrate Ni turning ONE....and they partied in style complete with giant bubbles, live children's music and a bounce house.
I love this next photo because of the moment it captures. I had just asked Ophelia if Ni was talking at all yet....and her response was a few words but mostly everything is DaDa.....including her. She then said the words MaMa...and Ni repeated it saying MaMa for the first time. Here's Mom's reaction.... Love it! Musical chairs was a hit and I love this little one's approach to musical chairs: If you just stay in your chair, you can't get out right??? :- )
This photo makes me giggle every time I come across it. Apparently my mom and Austin have the same taste in clothes.
A few months ago my Dad turned 60 and we scanned in a bunch of old photos to put together a couple of slideshows to celebrate the big day. This one is from their wedding night as they headed off on their honeymoon. I knew I had seen that outfit somewhere before and when it finally came to me, I couldn't stop laughing. It's too good.
I'm posting the slideshows as well (Better late than never)
I started rereading Dane's Fast Track Photographer this week and it's just as great and inspiring the second time through. I saw Dane speak at Skip's Summer School last August and was immediately inspired and HAD to have his book. The book is certainly not the same as seeing him in person...BUT it is a close second and a GREAT follow up. All of the recent hype of the book on Twitter and Facebook since Escalate made me pull the book back out and so glad I did.
If you are a wedding photographer (or aspire to be one) AND have not read this book, make sure you do. It's the easiest (and certainly most entertaining) way to figure out how to become the photographer YOU want to be ....and most importantly how to avoid becoming one of the GRUMPIES....
The Make A Wish Golf Classic was held yesterday at the Crestview Country Club in Agawam, MA. 32 foursomes took to the 18 hole course with perfect weather and followed it up with a nice dinner featuring raffles, a silent auction and a live auction, all to raise money for the Make A Wish Foundation.
The Wish Star yesterday was Gabrielle Zebrowski who wished to go to Disney World while she was undergoing treatment for Wilm's Tumor. Her beautiful smile lit up the event yesterday.