Not that I would ever consider running 26.2 miles and certainly never all in one day, but if I did, today seemed like the ideal weather for it. It was 50's, sun behind the clouds mostly, only to peek out every few minutes to warm the fans and I'm guessing brighten up the day of any runners who were still able to differentiate between light and dark. I, for one, would most definitely be in a very dark place at mile 25 :-).
But check out the sky from today. It was perfect. It was almost if it had been drawn by a Simpsons' animator.

As we stood along mile 25 watching many of the elite women, the top elite men, a team from the military who had covered the course in uniform complete with combat boots and gear in backpacks and other non humans who not only chose to run 26.2 miles but also ran another 26.2 miles quick enough to qualify for friend cracked me up with a few statements that perfectly summed up the laze of us on the sidelines "All this clapping is tiring." and "My feet hurt from standing here for so long." Ha. Go runners. Hope you are all somewhere post massage with your feet up and a beer in your hand.
Note to Self: This is the last Marathon Monday you will ever TRY to work.
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