Okay so the title of this blog might be a little dramatic since most of Southie only lost power for an hour or so. Those thunderstorms came through and for the first time in many years, I was without power for 12 hours. And WOW, it's impressive how fast I got bored. For starters, it was pretty hot and humid last Saturday. Ya know the kind of weather that calls for central air or at the very least, a good fan. So I was hot which probably led to me being irritable but as power started to come back on across the town, I figured mine wasn't far behind so I just sat and waited. And waited. The next day I actually came up with a million things I could have done without power (fold that pile of clean laundry from vacation, take a nice long bath, sort through the pile of mail that earned it's own seat at the dining room table. Finally I picked up a book (okay, a magazine :- ) and started reading. Which was great and was passing the time until all of a sudden....sunset. Within minutes my place was completely dark, I was hot and I was WIDE awake.
Thankfully a text message came. I felt like I have been living in Amish country so this modern convenience was a nice reminder that I didn't. Only it wasn't a text message to chat. It was my friend wondering how to play a DVD on her TV. Sigh. "Press input. HDMI II...Yep, you're welcome. Enjoy." (To be fair, she did invite me over but it was DARK and leaving or coming home to my neighborhood when it was completely dark seemed like the start of a few horror flicks I have seen). And now it's was 9, still dark and hot and I realized how I'm not used to silence. There is always the whir of a fan, the AC, heat, a TV, a dishwasher, something. But silence. Thankfully boredom overtook and like a 6 year old girl, i was out like a light on a Saturday night at 9:30. Around 5 a.m. I awoke to the magical sounds of elecricity...my printer reset, the AC popped on, there was light. Complete relief came over me. Boredom be gone.
But then I realized I was up for the day. If you go to bed at 9, by 5 you are pretty well rested. I was up. It was too early to even get coffee so I tossed on my sneaks, grabbed my camera and headed for the beach. Such a great idea. Southie Sunrise is beautiful. Totally worth getting up for.

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